Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some political thoughts.

1) John Edwards is my #1 candidate. That guy has the best demeanor of all Democratic candidates. That guy wakes up in the morning, and thinks about changing the world while he's putting his socks on. If you think he's a pussy, you should look at his professional record as an attorney. He's reduced teams of corporate attorneys who outmatched his salary manyfold into schoolgirls.

2) I'm very concerned about conglomeration of corporate America--especially the media, and John is the only frontrunner who will actually enforce monopoly laws in this country. Hillary and Barack have way too many ties to the big business monopolies that Edwards will actually be working to crack.

3) The only thing that republicans have on John Edwards is his $400 haircut. This, incidentally, pays for a one week supply of Mitt Romney's head grease.

4) That being said, I will fully support whichever Democrat is nominated.

5) Anyone who thinks Barack is unelectable should read about his success among whites in South Carolina. Keep in mind that there were more primary votes for Barack alone than McCain AND Huckabee, the top 2 Republican finishers. It's looking like SC will go democratic in November even if Barack is the dem nominee, a huge slap in the face to KKK/Larry the cable guy america.

6) The Republicans know that Barack is the strongest overall Democratic challenger, and this explains all the smear emails going around about him being a muslim. THIS IS PRECISELY WHY BARACK SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST OR SECOND DEMOCRATIC CHOICE.

7) Rudy is toast -- he's out of money and we haven't even come across a state where he's finished better than forth. I'd like to see him hold on. He's probably taking votes from McCain, and empty suit Romney & nutjob Huckabee will be easier fodder for the Barack machine to crush.

8) John McCain appears to have aged a decade in the last year. He's gone bad faster than arugula in my fridge. If you think that he won't last 2 terms, you're wrong. THAT'S BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY A ZOMBIE.

9) If a Republican is elected, take your ridiculous economic stimulus checks and turn them into Gold or Euros. The dollar will continue to plunge. Romney, McCain, and Huckabee have all pledged to stay in Iraq--we've been borrowing $275,000,000/day for that war, and don't forget that they will keep cutting taxes. US Dollars will have no international value in their hands.


Thinking it and making it happen said...

I was really really dissapointed to hear Edwards drop out, I'm about 98% sure i would have voted for him.

I can't stand any of the canddidates - with half an excepton for Ron Paul (even though he is under the repub party he is actually a libertarian).

But you have me curious, since some of your comments were right on and have now been confirmed...

And, Like I said I can't stand ANY of the candidates so I'm not trying to do anything here but get an answer that nobody has given me. So, like I said - based on the things you mentioned in your post, most of which I agreed with by the way...

1)what do you think will happen with the war situation if obama or hillary gets elected?

Not what they may have said they will do, what do you really think will happen.


UltimateP said...

If Obama or Hillary get elected, we will win the war and and a vast majority of our troops will come home. Period. The USA will once again be a part of the world community. There is too much interest in keeping the war going on the right. It's sick.

Thinking it and making it happen said...

How will they win, what is the time frame and what is the definition of winning this war?

I haven't heard a clear logical statement on this from anyone.

This is a serious question, I just don't see any clear victory here - I think we just need to get the hell out.

If either get elected I look forward to the things you say will happen.

I agree, there is way too much interest in keeping the war going and any candidate that wants to stay in war is not a candidate I will support.