In an excerpt from the book, he says, "You think Kurds and Arabs, Sunni and Shia are incompatible? What do you call a jurisdiction split between post-christian secular gay potheads and anti-whoring anti-sodomite anti-everything you dig Islamists? If Kurdistans an awkward fit in Iraq, how well does Pornostan fit in the Islamic republic of Holland?" Supposedly, this is LOL for conservatives.
Well, he does have a point. I will not get along with radical islam, although it is somewhat debatable on how much I identify his depiction of an American liberal.
Unfortunately he's missing something really, really important. I will not get along with islamic fundamentalists for the same reason I won't get along with contemporary conservatives in America. Let me re-iterate that.
You see, fundamentalist christians, I really think your lemon-lime flavored Kool-Aid sucks. And it's not because I hate lemon-lime. You see, I also hate islamic cherry flavored Kool-Aid. And mormon raspberry flavored Kool-Aid. I while I'm on the topic, I also think scientology Ecto Cooler flavored Hi-C tastes like shit too.
You see, I don't like all kinds of Kool-Aid. I like water, and Crystal Lite, and a diet Pepsi now & then. You all can show me all of your books about how great your flavor of Kool-Aid is, but I know it's all empty calories, and nothing to get serious about.
Hold on, I'm not done yet.
When you hear yourself saying "This is a Christian nation, the puritans came here to practice christianity in peace!", I hear you yelling "Shariah!, Shariah!, Allahu Ackbar!"
You wanna know why?
It's strange that contemporary American fundamentalist Christianity and radical Islam both:
+ are in favor of capital punishment
+ are in favor of criminalizing abortions.
+ don't want evolution taught in schools.
+ want to prevent gay marriage & ban gay rights (and some want them executed)
+ want the right to bear assault rifles
+ have leaders who talk directly God & Allah
+ are opposed to sexual freedom/liberation/expression
+ are opposed to birth control
+ are against stem cell research
+ support authoritarian goverance
Another thing these numbskulls are so concerned about is birthrate, which is apparently gargantuan in the middle east. Well, there's been many studies done that show that women who produce the most offspring are poorly educated. It's nice to see how well "abstinance only" policies work abroad.......much like they do here. Ok Ok, I'm spinning the issue. Andrew, all those islamic women are MARRIED. (because they usually stone women discovered having sex before marriage)
Back in ND we have a neighbor, who when asked at a cardgame when he & his wife were going to stop having kids, he replied, "when the good lord lets us know." Last I heard, they have 15 kids, and the last couple were retarded. Hey, at least they're married.
Mixture of cultures. Mr. Steyn bases alot of his points on the "fact" that islamic immigrants won't mix into America's melting pot. This sounds suspiciously much like the anti-irish (and anti-catholic) sentiment when the Irish were coming over in hordes. They were poor, dirty, drunk, and criminals--so there was great resistance to them in the big cities. The irish were the race that refused to jump into the melting pot. The "Know Nothing" party was formed.

That's why Tom & Nicole moved to Oklahoma.
This goofball also continues to rail the point that, as the population of middle eastern immigrants (a.k.a. "Islamicists") increases in the US and Europe(citing the average age of Italians, which is much older than the average age of the immigrants), that the world will devolve into medieval chaos and wretchedness. This dumbshit assumes that all of these immigrants is some type of jihadist, that they're going to come crashing into American cities as islam did on 9/11. Listen, people are coming here for the saaaaame reason they've been coming since 1776....a chance at a better life for themselves & their children. You wanna slow immigration into the US? Here's an idea-- fight poverty at it's source. Unfortunately nobody makes money fighting poverty; so far, we've only found ways to make money fighting.
Again, not like we haven't been paranoid before....the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and all of sudden, we start rounding up 120,000 Japanese immigrants and putting them (and anyone who looks Japanese) in concentration camps on US soil. Ok, ok. We called them "internment camps." They were all getting their citizen degrees, and needed 6 months of experience making coffee for real American citizens before they could graduate.
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