Saturday, January 6, 2007

Not Expected

I'm pretty sure they've made a commercial about this at some point in time, but here's how a meeting of mine went a few days ago.

Attendance: Me, a couple top engineers, an operations manager, an engineering manager, and engineering director.

Engineering director is a very distinguished, well-dressed gentleman as you might expect. Short salt & pepper hair, perfectly pressed BOSS shirts & dress slacks, perfect knot in his stylish tie, always spearheading discussion.

I generally give him his due respect. He does his job well.

Back to the meeting. We're all having a good discussion, trying to solve problems, etc. I'm doling out necessary information, they're questioning me on the whys & hows.

A moment of silence for reflection of the lastest idea.......

Loud teenybobber club music permeates the room.

Everyone sits still for a few, very long seconds.

Engineering director reaches for his cell phone.

I bite my lips together very hard to keep from laughing.

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