Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dr. Thork.

In the Operating Room earlier today....

Ok, ok. It was not on a human, but a porcine patient in a study for work.

In case you're wondering, the animal was anesthetized beforehand & during, was operated on using minimally invasive devices, and was euthanized afterwards--still while under anesthesia.

Hopefully (& likely) something good will come of it in the form of cheaper, more reliable & versatile devices for physicians to treat sick people worldwide.


Plains folk said...

If you don't mind...
Can you be more specific as to the purpose of the surgery - or is it classified? :)
What kind of animal?

Plains folk said...

sorry, one last question...
Why was the animal euthanized after the surgery if it was minimally invasive?

I know I'm sounding like an asshole here, but you'll have to take my word for it that I'm just curious.

Stryrker said...

it was a pig (porcine), and all animals are euthanized after such testing. We look at the insides afterwards to determine the effect (if any) that our devices create.

Plains folk said...

It didn't even occur to me to look the word up...
Very interesting work you do, I had no idea - I'm impressed.
Well now that I have demonstrated the upper limits of my vocabulary (by using the word demonstrated), I'm going to crawl back into my hole and shut up.