Friday, December 9, 2005

Just my luck

Today, I was getting an oil change and the serviceman steps into the waitingroom. I hate servicemen at car dealerships--without even knowing them, I know they're trying to fuck me big time.

He tells me that the CV boot is leaking. This means you have to pull everything apart: wheel, brakes, axle, replace the boot, and probably replace an expensive hub.

The serviceman quoted me the price to do both sides, since apparently you have to take both side apart to get at one boot. Doing both sides together would save me $60 in labor---here's the mind boggling part....THE OTHER SIDE ISN'T FUCKING BROKEN!!

He actually wanted me to pay an extra $250-$300 to fix & replace parts that are working fine!!!!

Fuck You,Village Chevrolet. Fuck you.

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