Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Usually, when a psychopath shoots down a bunch of people, the gun control people go nuts.

I agree and disagree with them.

Exhibit A: The second amendment in full text(as you never, ever, ever ,ever see it)

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Funny you never hear the whole thing in it's entirety, isn't it? I bet if you did, people might come to the conclusion that the people who wrote it were talking about keeping a well regulated military.

I'll digress for a second to say that I believe that you should have guns if you want them, but I'm talking strictly about hunting rifles. You all know I grew up on a farm, and I used to shoot all kinds of guns. What you probably don't know is that I grew pretty bored of them. That's another story.


I do not believe handguns or assault rifles should be allowed to be owned by just anyone. Handguns and assault rifles have ONE SINGULAR PURPOSE! THAT IS TO KILL PEOPLE! KILLING PEOPLE IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND YOUR GOD. Humans who have reasons or duties to kill other humans should be allowed to have them. Some of these people are also allowed to own/use flame throwers, land mines, bazookas, intercontinental ballistic missiles, F-14's Tomcats, and nuclear weapons.

Your arguements:
"We need to have guns that can compete with military so we can fight the government if it becomes a police state" Shut the fuck up. Rambo was a movie. You and your one M-16 and Glock won't stand 10 minutes against a police sniper, a tank, or a mortar shell. Step into the real world for a second, and use your vote to make sure the government doesn't end up that way.

"I need to protect my house" Really? 9 times out of 10, this comes from a suburbanite who lives nowhere near crime. But, I'll bet you have a job, and you're away from home 8 hours+ a day. Any criminal that wants to stay out of jail OR WHO KNOWS YOU HAVE A GUN, but still wants your shit will rob your house when you are away. News Flash: Confrontation is not something any burglar wants. Get an alarm, you nitwit.(or stay at home 24 hours with your trusty sidearm)

"Statistically, having a pool in your backyard is more dangerous than having a gun" Yes. You are right. But you're forgetting that most firearm crimes are committed with stolen guns. The guns YOU bought to protect your house, ironically. And another thing.....I hear about accidental shootings all the time. I NEVER hear about accidental stabbings. If you're so scared, get a knife.

Back to the beginning: The solution to the problem of psychopaths with guns:


Get real help to people who are mentally ill before something bad happens.

1 comment:

Plains folk said...

I assume you want a response from someone on this since there is a direct link to it from your main page.

Overall, I have to say it did make me more aware (since I tried to find some exact #'s to some of the things you mention).

Anyway, I generally agree with some of the things you say. I won't say you are way off on your feelings about the AR's (assult rifles). I personally think that AR's should be legal, but I do think they are way too easily acquired, as they can be purchased from pretty much any sporting goods store - I don't think that is a good thing.

Pistols, I absolutely disagree with you on, but I would agree that they are very easy to aquire legally and probably illegally.

Some specifics:

Not True.
"Handguns and assault rifles have ONE SINGULAR PURPOSE! THAT IS TO KILL PEOPLE!"

- especially concerning handguns, this is not true. Everyone I know who has bought a pistol, and that is many people, has bought it with the intention of target shooting and hunting first, self defense second - oh yeah, and we keep them locked or well away from the hands of youngsters.

Also Not True
I Don't have any specific #'s on this comment at the moment or probably ever as I assume you don't either, but the reality of the second sentence of this statement is not true.
"I need to protect my house" Really? 9 times out of 10, this comes from a suburbanite who lives nowhere near crime."

- I was just talking to a retired gang task force officer from CA last week about gangs and why they really haven't made much presence here yet, he said specifically because this state is made up of many people who hunt, have guns and know how to use them.
A lot of the gangs rely on robbery, etc. as income and they are less likely to break into someones house knowing this possibility.

And in my opinion one of the Worst conclusions of all from anti-gunners...
"But you're forgetting that most firearm crimes are committed with stolen guns. The guns YOU bought to protect your house, ironically."

- I hate these generalizations. I don't know anyone or anyone who knows anyone who has had a pistol stolen from them (do you?), let alone stolen and then used in a crime.

I definitely agree with you on this...
"We need to have guns that can compete with military so we can fight the government if it becomes a police state" Shut the fuck up.

Finally, after some reading that your post inspired I now have some facts to back up what I have felt for a long time. It is that firearms are way, way to easy to acquire in this country and the laws concerining them are too slack or uninforced - that is what needs to be remedied.

Taking firearms away from law abiding people based on the fact that some (a very small %) will be stolen would be as ridiculous as taking away vehicle ownership due to the fact that they more frequently stolen and easily used in any type of crime.

The facts on this page are astonishing and make me sick to my stomach. I will be passing this on to all the gun owners I know.

Something else you should check out ;)

