Lately on the news, we've seen John McCain and Sarah Palin asking crowds who
"the true Barack Obama" is while tying him to a man who did some pretty nasty things when Barack was
8 years old. Barack knew this guy while he was serving the community -- this guy just happened to be serving the community too.
Sounds like the man was pretty well reformed to me --
they were both working in an anti-poverty group in Chicago. Quite the terrorist this Ayers guy has become.
NEWSFLASH!You can't say that Barack is both a Terrorist and a Liberal simultaneously.
Guess what?! Terrorists are against:
Legal abortion.
Legal same sex marriage (and homosexuals being allowed to live, actually)
Gun regulation.
Ending wars.
Removing Crony Government.
Social Welfare/Fair Taxation (Check out Saudi Arabia if you don't know what I'm talking about)
Separation of Church & state.
Coincidentally, so are Republicans. wwwwwwwho's the terrorist again?
If he's a liberal, he's not a terrorist.
If he's a terrorist, conservative America should be voting for him.
McCain, Palin, and other assorted rightwingers are doing their best to stir people into a frenzy of hate -- so much for bringing people together. Christ would simply not approve of what you are doing. (in fact, in all fairness, God was sending hurricanes at the US during the RNC in St. Paul)
Maybe you didn't know that, but hey...that's what I'm here for.